Terms of use / Saturn Coin

These Terms of Use (the “Terms”) govern your access to and use of this website, www.saturncoin.net (the “Website”), and associated content, software and applications (collectively, the “Service”). These Terms also include our Privacy Policy, which is located at https://saturncoin.net/privacy.

Please read these Terms carefully. They contain important information regarding your legal rights, including limitations on Saturn Coins and certain third parties’ liability, disclaimers of warranties, and a submission to jurisdiction. Each time you access the Service by any means (for example, through the Internet or on a mobile device), you irrevocably agree to comply with the version of the Terms posted on this Website at the time you access this Website. You may not use the Service if you do not agree to these Terms.

To access or use the Service, you must be at least 18 years old. The Service is strictly for your personal, non-commercial use unless you enter into a separate agreement with us for your commercial use. You may not use the Service if we have terminated any account of yours or banned you.

You may only use the Service as expressly permitted by these Terms. All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by Saturn Coin, its third-party providers and other respective owners if any.

These Terms of Use govern access and use of WWW.Saturncoin.net (“Platform”) and the various services facilitated and provided by the Platform to a User. User shall mean any person/persons/entity, who visits, uses, deals with, and/ or transact through the website/app/referrals/API or avails other Services provided by the Platform.

By accessing, using or clicking “I agree” to any of the services made available by CoinSwitch (https://www.WWW.Saturncoin.net) or one of its affiliates through the website including referrals, the API, our mobile applications, or any other related services provided by CoinSwitch (collectively, the “Services”) you agree that you have read, understood and accepted all of the terms and conditions contained in this Terms of Use Agreement (the “Terms”), as well as our Privacy Policy available at WWW.Saturncoin.net/privacy-policy.

As used herein, “Company”, “Saturn Coin “, “Ourselves”, and “We” refers to the Platform and to its owners, operators, employees, directors, officers, agents, insurers, suppliers, and attorneys. “Client”, “Customer”, “User”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, including any person or a business entity whether any individual, firm, corporation, etc. “Party” refers to either You or Us and “Parties” refers to You and Us collectively. “Virtual Currency” or “VCs” refers to cryptocurrencies, i.e., digital money, which is issued and usually controlled by its developers, and used and accepted among the members of a specific virtual community, including but not limited to Bitcoins, NEO, Ether, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, etc.

You should read, agree, and accept the entire Terms of Use prior to Your use of this Platform or any of the Services provided by Us. You are hereby expressly barred from accessing the Platform or availing the Service unless You agree and accept these Terms of Use.

As long as you agree to and comply with these Terms of Use, CoinSwitch grants to You a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and limited right to enter and use the Platform and the Service as per these Terms.

Terms of Service:

Saturn Coin is an online digital cryptocurrency exchange aggregation platform (crypto to crypto) for products commonly known as virtual currencies, tokens, digital tokens or cryptographic currency. Saturn Coin does not provide fiat trading capabilities as part of the Services and the same is provided by External Platforms as per the terms of use of the said External Platform, Saturn Coin is the creator of a Virtual


You represent and warrant that you (a) are at least 18 years old and competent to form a binding contract under applicable law, (b) are an individual, legal person or other organization with full legal capacity and authority to enter into these Terms, and (c) have not previously been suspended or removed from using our Services. If you are entering into these Terms on behalf of a legal entity of which you are an employee or agent, you represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights and authority to bind such legal entity.


Saturn Coin does not provide any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Services and the Platform and any information or content contained therein are provided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis. User avails of the Services and/or dealing in VCs does so at their own risk and with full disclosure of possible wiping out of the entire holding or valuation, in the event of the occurrence of any of the risk factors including but not limited to changes in a regulatory or legal position in the United States or restrictions that may be placed on Saturn Coin, it is hereby expressly declared that Saturn Coin offers no warranty of any kind regarding the Platform or the Services.
Caution by Users is hereby also duly cautioned that presently in the US.


By accessing and using the Services and/or the Platform and/or any part thereof, you represent and warrant that you are not on any trade or economic sanctions lists, such as the UN Security Council Sanctions List, designated as a “Specially Designated National” by OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department) or not placed on the U.S. Commerce Department’s “Denied person List. You are also required to ensure that your jurisdiction permits lawful trading in VCs. In the event that it doesn’t, please discontinue the use of the Service or the Platform immediately. Compliance with Applicable Laws: Saturn Coin does not encourage the violation of any laws and cannot be held responsible for violation of such laws in any jurisdiction of the world. It is Your responsibility to follow the laws of Your country of residence and/or country from which You access this Platform or Services and shall indemnify Saturn Coin from any breach of this obligation by You.

Know Your Customer Requirements: We are committed to protecting our Users from fraud, scam, and other such financial crimes on the Platform. In order to prevent such activities, it is necessary to take measures to verify the identity of the customer and the authenticity of the transactions. You agree to share personal information including, but not limited to, your Name, Email Address, Contact Information, Telephone Number, Username, Government Issued ID, Date of Birth, Photographs, Source and Ownership of Funds and other information as per the specific requirements of Saturn Coin and as may be specified to you from time to time. The Know Your Customer (KYC) details may be requested by Saturn Coin independently as per its own discretion or upon receipt of a request from a VC exchange or any Law Enforcement Authority. The KYC information provided to us can also be shared with the relevant VC exchange and/or the Law Enforcement Authorities. The KYC information will be used, specifically for the detection of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, and various other related financial crimes through the Saturn Coin Platform and/or Services. You also authorize us to make inquiries, either directly or through third parties, that are deemed necessary for this purpose. Saturn Coin may also use third-party services to collect User’s KYC information.
Prohibited Use: In addition to other prohibitions as set forth in the Terms, You are prohibited from using the Platform or Services: (a) for any unlawful purpose; (b) to solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts; (c) to violate any international, federal, provincial or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances; (d) to infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others; (e) to harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability; (f) to submit false or misleading information; (g) to upload or transmit viruses or any other type of malicious code that will or may be used in any way that will affect the functionality or operation of the Service or of any related website, other websites, or the Internet; (h) to collect or track the personal information of others.

It is Your responsibility to determine, collect, report, and submit any/all taxes applicable to the payments You make or receive in connection with the use of the Platform and the Service to the appropriate tax authority. Saturn Coin is not responsible for determining whether taxes apply to Your transaction, or for collecting, reporting or remitting any taxes arising from any transaction undertaken via the Platform or Services.

Privacy Policy:

Saturn Coin collects information with respect to Your VC wallet addresses, Transactions, and Your IP address. Saturn Coin does not in any way obscure the information that it does request or obtain. Due to the inherent transparency of blockchains of VCs, transactions to and from the Platform and Services are public, and may be disclosed by Us, to any third party, including but not limited to government regulators. We may also place cookies on Your device while You access the Platform. Cookies collect User information including Platform usage, visits to the Platform, and other User-generated information. Cookies allow Users to navigate from page to page without having to re-login each time, count visits, and see which areas and features of the Platform are popular. Any sensitive information in these cookies is encoded so that only Saturn Coin can interpret the information stored on them. The cookies are placed for the following

• Recognize You as a Saturn Coin User,
• Collect information about Your computer to mitigate risk and help prevent fraud,
• Customize Your experience, content, and advertising, and
• measure promotional effectiveness.
Further, the use of cookies and other technologies may allow Saturn Coin and third parties to collect information about User browsing activities over time and across different websites following the use of Service. Saturn Coin may also use third-party analytical tools to collect data about the usage of the Platform or Services. The information collected identifies the types and timing of actions taken, including installation, registration, uploading, and certain types of navigation. All this information is used internally for the purpose of understanding how the Platform is being used and to improve the same. You are advised to not utilizing Saturn Coin to obscure transactions or assets in any way. Law enforcement has full access to blockchain information with respect to VCs that go in or out of the Saturn Coin system. You accept that Saturn Coin will comply with all legal requests for information and reserves the right to share the information shared by You in its sole discretion.

The use of the Platform and the Service may entail the following risks:

Virtual Currency transactions are irreversible after they hit the network and once a transaction is initiated by You, it can neither be canceled, modified nor reversed by Us.
The values of VCs are highly volatile and tends to fluctuate, due to which there may be an increase or decrease in the value of the VC You receive after conversion. VCs are subject to large swings in value and may even become worthless. There is always an inherent risk of losses associated with buying, selling, or trading in VCs. It is also possible that the valuation and price of VC changes after the transaction has been initiated by You or while the transaction and You are hereby advised of the same. Under no circumstance shall Saturn Coin be liable for any such changes or fluctuations. VCs are an as-yet autonomous and the largely unregulated worldwide system of value transfer between private parties. It is not backed by any government or commodities and hence may be susceptible to risks not generally associated with other forms of legal tenders.
As VC is digital cash managed by a peer-to-peer system of networks, there is also the risk of loss of confidence in VC trading. The valuation of VCs is based on a supply and demand economy model. There may be additional risks that we have not foreseen or identified in these Terms of Use. You should carefully assess whether Your financial situation and tolerance for risk are suitable for buying, selling, or trading VCs.

Limited Right of Use:

Unless otherwise specified, all content, design, graphic symbols, etc (“Materials”) on this Platform are the property of the Company and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws. You may view, print, and/or download a copy of such Materials on any single computer solely for Your use, provided You keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. The trademarks, service marks, and logos of Saturn Coin and others used in this Platform (“Trademarks”) are the property of the Company and their respective owners. The software, text, images, graphics, data, prices, trades, charts, graphs, video, and audio used on this Platform belong to Company. The Trademarks and Materials should not be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, scraped, collected, or distributed in any form or by any means, whether manual or automated. The use of any such Materials on any other website or networked computer environment for any other purpose is strictly prohibited; any such unauthorized use may violate copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws and could result in criminal or civil legal actions and penalties.

Each User shall ensure compliance with the following terms while availing or accessing the Platform or the Service:
By accessing the Platform, You agree to provide Company with current, accurate, and complete information about Yourself, and to keep such information updated. You further agree that You will not use or trade in VCs using VCs than Your own, and obtained through legal channels and for legal purposes. If there is any suspicious activity related to the transaction undertaken by You via the Platform or Services, We may, but are not obligated, to request additional information from You, including authenticating documents and to freeze any transactions pending. You are required to notify Saturn Coin immediately of any unauthorized use of the Platform or Service that You may become aware of, by way of an email addressed to jgei99@hotmail.com. The User who violates these Terms of Use may be the concerned authorities or restricted from accessing the Platform, and further shall also be held liable for losses incurred by Company or any User of the Platform. You hereby agree that You shall not use the Platform or our Service, in connection with any activity violating any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation of any jurisdiction. Further, You shall not exchange VCs via using the Platform that is obtained through illegal activities and You will also not use the Service to perform any illegal activity of any sort, in any jurisdiction, including but not limited to, money laundering, illegal gambling operations, terrorist financing, or malicious hacking. Source of VCs exchanged by You is not known to Saturn Coin and You hereby agree to ensure that it always comes from legitimate sources. Saturn Coin In case of any technical or manual error that happens by Saturn Coin, the Company will, on a best-effort basis, take the steps to undertake the requisite corrections including the involved transactions and/or records and will intimate You about the correction in a timely manner. If such correction creates a liability on You, you will be required to incur that liability. In case, where a known and verified API client’s user fund is flagged by Saturn Coin internal system (not by the partner exchange) and the user refuses to perform the KYC verification, Saturn Coin will look into it. Saturn Coin.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that you currently do not have more than one Saturn Coin account. You need to understand that You agree to the above and authorize Us to suspend Your access if You are found to be in violation of these Terms of Use.

External Platforms:

The Platform may provide links or other forms of reference to other websites (“External Platforms”) or resources over which We have no control. You acknowledge that Saturn Coin is providing any such links or references of External Platforms or resources to You, including APIs to various virtual currency exchanges, only as a convenience to You and that Saturn Coin makes no representations whatsoever about any External Platforms which You may access through or via this Platform, including such External Platforms being free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses, and other items of a destructive nature. Saturn Coin is not responsible for the availability of, and content provided on any External Platforms. You are requested to review the terms of use and policies posted by such External Platforms regarding privacy and other topics before use. Saturn Coin is not responsible for third party content accessible through the Platform, including opinions, advice, statements, prices, activities, and advertisements, and You shall bear all risks associated with the use of such content or trading VCs on such External Platform.

Prohibition on Money Laundering / Illegal Activities:

Saturn Coin has zero tolerance towards the use of its Services for any illegal purpose. Any such abuse by any User shall result in forthwith restriction of access and reporting of such activities to concerned regulatory and statutory authorities. Saturn Coin shall report all suspicious activities to the concerned authorities to ensure initiation of investigation and prosecution against You if required. Users shall not use circumvention or obfuscating technologies to mask their IP addresses or to hide transaction details.
Users shall not create or circulate any technologies which violate, or which would facilitate other users to violate the terms hereof including for masking IP addresses or to obfuscate transaction details. Users shall not misrepresent, misinform or misguide Saturn Coin in any manner. Users are hereby duly informed that We shall share all details with regulatory or legal authorities and the User shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the contents provided or for legal action for false or incorrect information furnished. Users are cautioned against undertaking any suspicious activity on or through the Platform or Services. In the event of any suspicious or large transactions being undertaken by You, Saturn Coin shall have the right but not the obligation to verify such activity by sharing Your IP address and other KYC details with the relevant authority, and if required, suspend the transactions or freeze Your access. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if in Saturn Coin’s sole discretion, the source of any VC is illegal or suspicious, Saturn Coin reserves the right to retain and confiscate all VCs related to such illegal or suspicious activity.

Limitation of Liability:
Users of this Platform are responsible for their actions in connection with the use of the Platform and Service. Saturn Coin is not responsible for the outcome, whether positive or negative, of any action performed by any of its Users within or related to the Platform / Service. The Parties agree that in no event shall Saturn Coin or its affiliates, officers, directors, agents, employees, and suppliers be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of our Platform, Service, or these Terms of Use. Users shall not invest in VCs under any assumption of high earnings or profits. VCs being digital assets issued by private entrepreneurs are subject to market risks and volatile pricing, which may even render them worthless. Users are therefore cautioned of the inherent risks involved in procuring VCs.

Financial Regulation and Advice:

We do not provide any investment advice in connection with the Service contemplated by these Terms of Use. While We may provide information on the value, range, volatility of VCs, and events that may affect/have affected the value of VCs directly on the Platform or through other social media channels, this is not considered investment advice and should not be construed as such. SaturnCoin will not be liable for any loss suffered by You in connection with any transaction involving SaturnCoin / the Service or the Platform. Our business model and our Service consists of facilitating the buying of VCs in an unregulated yet responsible, international open payment system. The Service we provide is currently unregulated within California.

You acknowledge and agree that the Company can freely assign these Terms of Use or any of its rights under these Terms of Use to any person without Your consent. You shall, however, not be entitled to assign these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, to another person without the prior written approval of the Company.

You may terminate this agreement with Us, at any time, following the settlement of any pending transactions. You agree that Company may, by giving notice, in its sole discretion, restrict Your access to the Platform; including without limitation, suspending or terminating the Service, prohibiting access to the Platform and its content, services, and tools, delaying or removing hosted content, and taking technical and legal actions to keep You off the Platform if We, in our sole discretion, reasonably perceive that You are creating any problems, including without limitation, possible legal liabilities, infringement of the intellectual property rights, or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of these Terms of Use. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our sole discretion, initiate the above actions for any reason,

including without limitation:

Attempts to gain unauthorized access to the Platform or providing assistance to others’ attempting to do so; Usage of the Service to perform illegal activities such as money laundering, illegal gambling operations, financing terrorism, or other criminal activities;

Violations of these Terms of Use;
Failure to pay or fraudulent payment for transactions; Unexpected operational difficulties; or Upon the request of law enforcement or other government agencies.

Consequences of Termination:
Upon termination of this Agreement or earlier determination, the rendering of the Services shall stand immediately terminated by the Company and the User shall not be entitled to access or avail the Platform.

These Terms of Use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States Of America. The Parties agree to irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Los Angeles, California for the resolution of any disputes arising from these Terms of Use.

To the full extent permitted by applicable law, You hereby agree to indemnify SaturnCoin, and its affiliates, officers, directors, agents, employees, and suppliers against any action, liability, cost, claim, loss, damage, proceeding or expense suffered or incurred if direct or otherwise arising from Your use of the Platform, Service, or from Your violation of these Terms of Use.

Modification of Terms:
SaturnCoin reserves the right to change, add or remove or modify the Platform, the Service, the Terms of Use or any content therein, at any time, with or without notice, in its sole discretion.

If You have any questions relating to these Terms of Use, Your rights, and obligations arising from these Terms of Use and/or Your use of the Platform and the Service, or any other matter, please contact us at jgei99@hotmail.com

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